Sound proofing: Why are blenders so loud?

Are blenders that noisy? I thought they were much quieter than other appliances. Why are blenders so loud?
If you are basically in the category of those finding it weird seeing your blender make noise, I can say you might not have been familiar with blenders that’s why you are curious to know. Also, you probably don’t often think about hearing protection when using them.
Blender manufacturers claim their machines produce less noise compared to household appliances such as a microwave or oven. And maybe you haven’t noticed because you hear it less often.
Here is the fun fact (why Blenders make noise). Blenders may be the biggest source of noise in the kitchen.
Blender noise has become unavoidable in our lives. From the moment we wake up until the time we go to bed, the hum of the blender is echoing through every room in our home. The volume might seem quite low at first, but over time it builds up and becomes annoying.
Read Also: Top 8 Quiet blenders on the market
Why does my blender make so much noise?

A recent study found that noise levels from household appliances in kitchens range from 55dB to 70dB, depending on the appliance. That means the average person can hear these noises.
The reason for the huge noise level is the motor inside your blender. The motor produces high temperatures and vibrations that can damage your health.
If you want to cut back on kitchen noise, try using a quieter blender. Or, you can go beyond a simple kitchen upgrade and invest in a whole-house sound system.
Are blenders supposed to be loud (food processor)?
Blender noise is the noise created by the motor inside a blender. As a result, these machines look very similar to other household appliances such as coffee-makers or washing machines.
Blending is often done using high-powered motors and blades, both of which create considerable vibration. This makes blenders especially loud when compared to other kitchenware.
Read Also: Are blenders dishwasher safe?
How loud is a blender?

1. LOUD!
Most blenders come with a built-in sound suppressor that reduces noise from the motor. But if your blender has no sound suppressors, then the motor can create loud noises ranging from 67 decibels (dB) down to 45 dB. This is the same level of sound as running a car engine at 100 miles per hour.
If you want to know how loud a blender is, try this experiment. First, place your hand over the top hole of the blender lid. Second, then slowly turn the speed dial until you reach the highest setting. You should feel some vibration through your palm.
It may surprise you, but many blenders are much quieter than those listed above. Here’s how to tell. Start the blender, and hold a piece of paper or cardboard directly against the side of the lid just below the blade. Slowly increase the speed until the paper vibrates.
As the speed increases, the paper will start to move back and forth faster and faster. When the paper starts moving back and forth too fast to read, the blender speed is somewhere between 5,000 RPM and 6,000 RPM. At these speeds, the blades are creating vibrations between 30 dBA and 35 dBA.
Are all good blenders loud?
Yes! The majority are unless your blender happens to have a silent motor. But even then, I don’t think they’re all that quiet. Some may not be as noisy as others, but most definitely make some noise. In case you need one, here are my recommendation on the quiet blenders to choose from.
Read Also: Top 5 Vitamix blenders reviews
How do I make my blender quieter?
To effectively reduce the noise produced by a blender, you should first determine where its source is located. If the noise comes from outside, then installing a thick curtain or door panel between the kitchen window and the machine will stop it.
In addition, putting the blender away from kitchen cabinets will also help reduce the noise level.
You can also try covering the motor with foam material. Another option is to install a muffler around the motor, though this method is costly. If you want to get rid of the noise completely, then you can opt for a quieter model instead.
If you want to reduce the noise levels, you’ll need to follow the above steps in Soundproofing your blender.
How late is it to use a blender?
How often have you wanted to make a smoothie or a delicious dessert at home but couldn’t because of the noisy output of your blender?
Because Blender noise has become unavoidable in our lives. From the moment we wake up until the time we go to bed, the hum of the blender is echoing through every room in our home. The volume might seem quite low at first, but over time it builds up and becomes annoying. What to do?
Using a blender at night can deprive your neighbours of sleep, it’s advised that you run your blender during the day or late in the evening before sleeping time.
Better still, you can run it when everywhere looks calm. So please, try to avoid using a blender right before sleeping if possible. If you want to use your blender, wait until the morning.
Can I make a Commercial Blender Sound Enclosure
Yes! You can easily build your own commercial blender sound enclosure! All you need is some free time, a small number of woodworking skills, and some patience. In this video, we show you how to build a great-looking, professional-quality homemade blender sound enclosure! This is the best way to get that clean sound without having to spend thousands of dollars on expensive equipment. Enjoy!
Conclusion: Why are blenders so loud?
The reason for a large number of complaints about loud blenders is the fact that manufacturers put the blender motor close to the lid. Again Blending is often done using high-powered motors and blades, both of which create considerable vibration. This makes blenders especially loud when compared to other kitchenware. However, there are two ways to solve the issue. One is to buy a special blender with a sound enclosure. The second way is to put aluminium blackout curtains on the windowsill.
So you can keep the noise made by the motor inside the blender by using a sound enclosure. These enclosures usually consist of an aluminium box that covers the entire motor. They work by absorbing the sound waves made by the motor and preventing them from reaching the walls and windows. But they are expensive, therefore only really suitable for commercial blenders.